Bedroom Inspiration 2017

Bedroom Inspiration 2017


I may have been off the blogging grid for a couple weeks BUT I've still made sure you're all aware of my moving plans.

There's two reasons behind this post; I'm moving out, I have a whole new set of four walls to make my own and well, I need something to get me back into writing again.

Most bloggers will be lying if they say they don't Pinterest on the regular.

Since the date this whole move was agreed I've been on Pinterest searching and scrolling different homeware ideas, creating pinboards and wish-lists and I knew this would excite you all as much as it is me. To tell you the truth I've been so excited about this move that I've been creating and writing this post since before my moving day. Personally I'm not sure when this post will go live; but yesterday [2/7/2017] was my moving in day and it went as smoothly as possible (minus a minor wardrobe malfunction) which was evenutally fixed (Thanks Si & Sam). I've got a couple more things to reorganise and all my makeup to put away, but I survived my first night and that is a massive deal for me.

I'm going with the MONOCHROME theme.

...Monochrome with a little bit of colour, green being my third colour choice.

My colour theme was the first decision I made when I decided to move out. Alas I can't do much with the colour theme as it's a rented house...unfortunately I can't start painting the walls now can I? Luckily the room is a creamy white with wide windows so it's bright - bright enough that blogging photography can begin again, yay!

So for those of you like me and have no idea the names of certain styles (I call everything shabby-chic) I found out this monochrome minimalistic style is known as SCANDINAVIAN INTERIOR. And I am in love, my love for white Ikea furniture works perfectly in this space.


As for the bigger products within this wish-list they've already been purchased and set up in my new bedroom. We built the bed-frame as soon as we started moving in (ok, my dad build said bed frame as I carried boxes from the car). The bed is a little lower down than I anticipated but with my mattress from home giving me a little boost, I had a comfortable enough first night but I think the anxiety of being in a new place added to my slight discomfort. With the bed-frame and an essential wardrobe; I also picked up the large mirror which truth be told works wonders in this room. Whilst the space is already quite open and the mirror itself is quite large, it somehow adds extra to the room. Everything else within this wish-list is products I want to pick up along the way, possible on my next payday. My mother being the gem she is got me a plant for my bedroom which I've been lusting after for a while now, but I'm considering purchasing an artificial plant - no chance of killing that one! I want to fill a wall with prints and quotes, personally I'll be ordering all my DISNEY prints from SWEET ALLURE.And I've been lusting over DORKFACE artwork for some time; so I'm hoping to get my hands on some of Tarnya's & Jemma's work soon.

I've always been excited by interior design; even just re-arraning my bedroom at home. So whilst I may be limited in some ways, there's so much potential for this new bedroom and for putting my mark on the communal rooms in the house.

You want a peek at my bedroom? Ah, fear not. I'm already planning a bedroom tour. Whilst almost everything is unpacked for now, I still have endless boxes and bags floating around, but once everything is in order I'll be showing you this room in all it's glory. So keep an eye out for that.

Bedroom Inspiration 2017



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